Sunday 27 July 2008



The manual says this about the handbrake: "Before fitting the handbrake lever it is necessary to drill clearance holes in the tunnel side panels for the two front fixings. To locate these, position a centre punch through the pre-drilled mounting holes inside the tunnel and whilst holding square tap the end. This will leave a witness mark on the outside at the point where the clearance hole must be drilled."

This all seemed quite tricky so I decided drill the clearance hole after the LH tunnel side was attached but before the RH side was fitted. The interesting part was when I came to look there weren't any pre-drilled holes in the chassis at all:

My next challenge was to find the spacers that held the front. The manual says they are 22mm. All I could find were 32mm ones below, although they fitted perfectly with the back attached to the RH side of the bracket:

I found a couple of pieces of wood to hold it in place while I drilled the holes:

and here is it fitted (with temporary bolts/nuts):

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