Sunday 8 November 2009

Exhaust - 2nd fitting

I had a problem with the exhaust that it was about 25mm out at the rear mounting (see post "Exhaust - trial fitting" dated 22nd September). I took the connecting section with me to Westfield when I was going for the bodywork and asked them if they could do anything with it. They bolted it to a wall, heated it up and bent it round a little.

Back on the car Mike had a go at re-fitting. At first it seemed to still be out but by wriggling it up and down he was able to get it to match up exactly. Now I'm not sure if they actually did anything at Westfield or if by rotating the various parts you can get it to line up.

The front section (you can just see the darker area where they heated it up):

the whole exhaust:

and the rear mounting, now the rubber bush isn't bent:

It had to come off again after trying the engine for the bodywork fitting.

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