The first job was to remove the powder coating from inside the mountings. I looked to see if I could find a wire brush attachment or flap wheel for the electric drill but none were small enough to fit. In the end I got a bolt, removed the head and cut a slot down the shaft. I threaded some emery paper through the slot and wrapped around some foam to form a tube that was slightly larger than the mounting diameter. By squashing the foam I was able to push into the holes and attach to the electric drill.
The centre tube of the bushes is slightly longer than the outer tube. So, to push through you need something that goes around the centre tube to push the outer tube not the inner. I formed a couple of plates out of scrap metal. In effect they acted like large washers.
Now I was finally ready to fit the bushes. The vice I had wasn't really up to the job. As I tightened up the vice, the jaws were slightly at an angle so the bushes didn't press in straight.
Instead I used a long bolt through the centre with washers at each end.
By tightening up the nut on the bolt it slowly/smoothly pressed the bush into place.